Wednesday, February 8


this week my classes at the university started again. so far they seem very interesting, although the most interesting class won't be until tomorrow. i will follow a course on islamic art and material culture. hopefully it will fit nicely into my research. perhaps more islamic inspired things soon!

the past week i have looked into several books on more western european art. one of those books is about dutch tiles. it's full of reproductions... the tiles are inspired by mythology, mainly from countries other than the netherlands, like greece. and not just the themes, but also murals, paintings and even original tiles are copied. the copies are copied countless times. lacking the knowledge how to make porcelain, a substitute was found. there is a big difference in style, the reproductions appear to be done faster (because they have less lines or more minimalistic lines). the images become more abstract.

there are jars of peanut butter all over the atelier. a girl copied the peanut butter floor and had many left. i was practicing my comic styled drawing skills and made the following attempt. it's about representation (i am reading a book on the subject) and copying. it's not the best drawing, but i think it follows along the lines of your last post.